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Always check the harvester blade before operating the harvester


It is very important that the quality of the harvester blade is good or bad during the operation of the harvester. The harvester blade is the core component of the whole harvester, and some harvester blade manufacturers sell the inferior blade to the harvester manufacturer in order to obtain high profits. It causes the harvester to malfunction during the operation of the field. Therefore, everyone must check the harvester blade before operating the harvester.

Before using the harvester blade, it is necessary to ensure safety. At present, the temperature in each province is gradually increasing. Now it is the season of rapid growth of various crops. In a period of time when crops are harvested, it is time to do Preparation for various harvesters. The harvester blade is the most important accessory for farmers' harvest. The quality of the harvester blade directly affects the progress of the crop harvest. Therefore, the owners of all the large harvester equipment must check the safety of the harvester blade.

Always check the harvester blade before operating the harvester(图1)